Archive for February, 2009

Bit the Bullet and Ordered a Mac

I’ve always been tempted to get a Mac. Last year when my computer went died on me, I almost got one…even applied for Apple’s Credit Card. But instead I fixed it myself and it worked. The thing I miss though is being able to sit on the couch and use my laptop. I still have my old one but it got messed up when I wiped the drive and the original recovery disks didn’t work. I bought an Alienware laptop…top of the line, thinking it would be the best thing in the world. It was nice, but had it’s flaws like getting way too hot all the time, and the battery would just die within an hour and a half. I wrote to Alienware to see if they would help and no one ever got back to me.  They got my money, so i’m no good to them I guess.

ANYWAY, I was in one of my impulsive buying moods and peeked at the Mac Air. After reading about it, it seemed a little too underpowered. I like to play online games and that just wouldn’t work well. I would liove to have gotten a MacBook Pro, but I didnt want to invest that much money for something I really don’t need! So, I went for the simple MacBook bottom of the line with 4 GB ram.  WOOT, My first MAC! I should arrive on March 3rd. Ordered an Airport Extreme for it so I can walk around with it and my iPod Touch.

So, all you Mac users out there…tell me some fun stuff I can do with this new toy! Like show movies on my tv? Cook dinner for me? Pull weeds? Fill me in on some geeky things to do with it!

Stale Blog Page – Bye Bye to Second Life

Heh – I knew I would start a blog and then STOP. Toldyaso!

Soooo, I thought I would update again.

Lets see. Last week I actually logged onto Second Life after like 6 months and I picked up everything, stores and all and put them in my inventory. Then I put all my land on sale. The $75 a month was too much waste for me to hang onto my memories. A year or so ago I was spending $250 a month on a full SIM. Occasionally I would get an email for someone about the stores or SL not giving them the item they bought…and I just didn’t feel like getting on and dealing with it. This way I won’t have any upset customers. I am now getting emails daily asking where my stores went – they mostly miss Safety Girl.  SL is a great place – just needs alot of fixing to make it enjoyable.

I met a few good people there. And will miss them and still do. Yes, you JoKay! Sorry to just poof and leave…RL stuff came up and tore me away and I just never got the SL bug back. Just cause im not in SL doesnt mean you can’t poke me now and then – that goes for everyone there!