Archive for November, 2011

Game Review – Skyrim

Last week I took a week vacation to the land of Skyrim. I put in about 140 hours of game play over 9 days so if that doesn’t tell you it’s a good game, I will elaborate for you.

Quick rundown: The graphics are a bit better than Oblivion – very realistic. The framerate is great on the high setting but I do get hit with nasty lag after an hour to 3 hours of play. Not sure what triggers it but you need to restart the game to fix. I’m sure there will be a patch for this soon. The sounds are awesome, the music fits perfect, the world is HUGE, and the voice acting isn’t bad.

MMO Review – League of Legends

League of Legends isn’t a new game – It was released at the end of 2009, but it is new to me. Rubi from Massively kept talking about it so I took the plunge and downloaded. It is Free to Play! I’ve played for several days now so I thought I would share my thoughts.

What is League of Legends? It is a PvP action RTS. Not like Starcraft where you command many units. You control one champion who works with others to win a match. It is just like Defense of the Ancients from Warcraft 3, which I have never played. Two even number teams, up to 5 vs 5, fighting their way to the other side through computer generated minions and turrets, defeating them, chipping away at the opposing teams defenses, to try and take control of the field by destroying the opposing team’s nexus.