The MacBook…

So, I now am an owner of a Mac. It is cool. Nice and compact, portable. Nice tools which I haven’t really gotten to play with. I did put WoW, on it – they have a Mac version, and it works just fine so far. I havent raided with it, but normal running around didn’t seem laggy at all.

Nice to watch movies on. Sit on the sofa and explore the net while watching TV. I started to reteach myself HTML… I taught myself way long ago, and have no idea how to use CSS so I thought I would relearn the right way.

Bit the Bullet and Ordered a Mac

I’ve always been tempted to get a Mac. Last year when my computer went died on me, I almost got one…even applied for Apple’s Credit Card. But instead I fixed it myself and it worked. The thing I miss though is being able to sit on the couch and use my laptop. I still have my old one but it got messed up when I wiped the drive and the original recovery disks didn’t work. I bought an Alienware laptop…top of the line, thinking it would be the best thing in the world. It was nice, but had it’s flaws like getting way too hot all the time, and the battery would just die within an hour and a half. I wrote to Alienware to see if they would help and no one ever got back to me.  They got my money, so i’m no good to them I guess.

ANYWAY, I was in one of my impulsive buying moods and peeked at the Mac Air. After reading about it, it seemed a little too underpowered. I like to play online games and that just wouldn’t work well. I would liove to have gotten a MacBook Pro, but I didnt want to invest that much money for something I really don’t need! So, I went for the simple MacBook bottom of the line with 4 GB ram.  WOOT, My first MAC! I should arrive on March 3rd. Ordered an Airport Extreme for it so I can walk around with it and my iPod Touch.

So, all you Mac users out there…tell me some fun stuff I can do with this new toy! Like show movies on my tv? Cook dinner for me? Pull weeds? Fill me in on some geeky things to do with it!

Stale Blog Page – Bye Bye to Second Life

Heh – I knew I would start a blog and then STOP. Toldyaso!

Soooo, I thought I would update again.

Lets see. Last week I actually logged onto Second Life after like 6 months and I picked up everything, stores and all and put them in my inventory. Then I put all my land on sale. The $75 a month was too much waste for me to hang onto my memories. A year or so ago I was spending $250 a month on a full SIM. Occasionally I would get an email for someone about the stores or SL not giving them the item they bought…and I just didn’t feel like getting on and dealing with it. This way I won’t have any upset customers. I am now getting emails daily asking where my stores went – they mostly miss Safety Girl.  SL is a great place – just needs alot of fixing to make it enjoyable.

I met a few good people there. And will miss them and still do. Yes, you JoKay! Sorry to just poof and leave…RL stuff came up and tore me away and I just never got the SL bug back. Just cause im not in SL doesnt mean you can’t poke me now and then – that goes for everyone there!

Hi hi! Im back!

I’m slackin…I know. I’m probably like most people – start a blog – write in it every day for a week, then once a week…then once a month…then….Stagnant!

News: Son got back from Canada at Camp Bil-O-Wood…he loved it and wants to go back! He came back and followed Dad into WoW. So we both are WoWing again. Guild is having it’s ups and downs in attendance. Still working out pretty good though. Summer can be tough on guilds with people on vacation and all. Plus its been a long time since the last expansion, so things can start to get boring for some, just like I got bored and stopped for 8 months….and 13 months before that 🙂 Does help alot to have some friends that you play with regularly AND talk to outside the game as well.

I have met person who is turning out to be a lot of fun and very similar to me. Kinda came on as a surprise…very unexpected but very much a welcome surprise. Known her for about a year and have been getting to know each other more and more each day lately. <3

Also have been working on a book my dad wrote on How to make a Windsor Chair. He is going to teach a course at an art center, so I am making it look all nice. Need to get that DONE!

Return to World of Warcraft

So, I did return to WoW. The guild is growing. I’m now an officer. Been running around with a few members and had a good time. There are still moments when I will just stand around in a town and have no idea what to do, so my WoW boredom isn’t totally gone. Still it is nice to hang out with old and new friends. It’s fun to watch a guild grow and progress. We have started to run instances together to learn each others play styles. Thus if you ran around with me, you know I will make you work extra hard to hold agro and will try to attack 2 mobs at once any chance I get! But you would also learn that while I push the limits, I know how to get out of trouble when I do push too hard. (not always though X.X)

My newest goal for when I am not raiding, is to gear up my Warlock Cynders for PvP (player versus player combat) Will take quite a while. If you dont know about WoW and getting gear…you fight in a battle ground in a team of 10 to 15, sometimes more, against another opposing faction team and try to capture flags, or control territory…and if you win – you get honor and tokens. If you lose – you get a little honor and 1 token. With the honor and tokens you gain – you can trade them in for armor and weapons. So, my goal is to fully outfit myself in PvP reward gear – so for about 150,000 honor – I can get the full thing and hopefully be alot harder to kill. Looks like I can get about 2000 honor a day without feeling burnt out or spending HOURS in the game. Thats alot of days to hit 150,000.

I’m not a very good PvP’er, but it can be fun to compete against Real Live characters instead of the normal Non-Player creatures in the world that don’t have much of a brain.

So – Here is me now – Cynders – In my normal gear for everyday questing and raiding. I changed my talent spec too… Destruction doesnt seem to have enough tricks or backup plans so now I am SL SL – which is Siphon Life/Soul Link – hybrid of Affliction and Demonology making me a bit harder to take down while I annoyingly DoT and Seed everyone in target range.

Also started some new arena battles. That is where you are paired up with another team…2 vs 2, 3 vs 3, or 5 vs 5. Matches don’t last long…especially against me. So Adon, Shoklar and Cynders started up Royal Defense again ( 3 vs 3), and then Adon and I (on Tish) started a brand new 2 vs 2 called Eye Candy Chicks. We got some help from another member named Blacknova, who does know how to PvP, and has helped get our rating up higher than it should be 🙂

Last Week – Royal Defense won 11 in 29 and Eye Candy Chicks won 4 in 13. We really need to learn to PvP 😛

PvP records for my toons:
Tish – Lifetime Honorable Kills: 2280
Cynders – Lifetime Honorable Kills: 5767

Tish and Cynders