Last October, a game was released called Torchlight. People compared it to Diablo I and II and the creators just by chance happen to have been part of the development team for Diablo who created their own company, Runic Games. I grabbed it for $19.99 and was not one bit disappointed in the purchase.

The game is pure fun. You rip thru layer after layer of dungeon feeling powerful and unstoppable, grabbing all the loot you can…and when you fill up, tell your pet to run back to town and sell it for you. Don’t get me wrong…you will die, but you will have fun doing it. Torchlight will provide you with hours and days of fun. You can go see 2 movies for $19.99 or buy this and get the equivalent of 50+ movies. I played a ranged vanquisher and loved it.
Now they have just announced Torchlight II for Spring 2011. Yet another 2011 release to add to everything I want to play. Part 2 will have the added ability to play with others, while Torchlight I was just a single player game. If you haven’t tried it out and are slightly bored with your current gaming choices…grab it! Steam has it too.