So Azzura….Whats this blog about?

So far, from what I have blogged about already, you can tell I mess around in Second Life, and I always seem to be playing at least one MMO short for MMORPG which is…Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. I love gadgets, games, computers, science, Sci-fi, some art… I’ll talk about the few odd things that happen in my RL world now and then also.

I’m basically at a computer 2/3 of the day working or playing. Easy to reach if you have questions or problems. Maybe some things I talk about will interest you…they might not be something your into, but maybe you can find a hidden meaning in my rants and pull something useful out of it. Who Knows?!!

Ill leave off with a thank you for taking a peek and a bigger thank you if you keep reading…and a huge thank you if you link to me 😛

On with the blogging

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