Scanning & Wormholes: Part 3 – Identification and Stability

Once at the wormhole, you can click on it and find out what class it might be, how long it may hang around, and how stable it is.

Wormhole Classes

Classes tell you what type of spawns you will see in a system, it doesn’t necessarily mean the difficulty. There are 3 difficulty levels of sites, Perimeter = Easy, Frontier = Medium, Core = Hard. A Class 1 will be filled with mostly Perimeter sites, while a Class 5 will have many Core and few Perimeter if any. Thus a Core site in a Class 1 Wormhole will not be soloable with a frigate. Class 1 will not allow anything bigger than a Battle Cruiser through. Class 2 have a mass restriction.

This wormhole seems to lead into unknown parts of space.
Will be Class 1, 2, or 3. Class 1 and 2 can be soloed, class 3 will be a little tougher to solo, so consider bringing help. No Capital Ship can enter these.

This wormhole seems to lead into dangerous unknown parts of space.
Will be Class 4 or 5. Bring friends for class 4. Class 5 is said to be soloable only in a carrier or dreadnought.

This wormhole seems to lead into deadly unknown parts of space.
Will be Class 6. Is the hardest of all.

Again – Class determines the number of difficult or easy types of anomalies and sites. You may run into a very nasty site in a class 1 or a very easy site in a class 5.

Class 7, 8, and 9 Lead to High-sec, Low-sec and Null known space.

Wormhole Life

A wormhole can have a set life of 16, 24, 36, or 48 hours which makes it hard to tell how much longer it will be around. If you look at the info you can see a possibility of 3 different messages.

This wormhole has not yet begun its natural cycle of decay and should last at least another day means approx. 16 to 48 hours of life left. You basically just found a fresh wormhole.

This wormhole is beginning to decay, and probably won’t last another day
means approx. 16 to 47 hours of life left. (More than 25% of its life left)

This wormhole is coming to the end of its natural life cycle means less than 4 to 16 hours till collapse. (less than 25% of its life left)

Wormhole Destabilization – Mass

Taking a ship through a wormhole effects how stable it is. They have a certain amount of mass they can take before they close. As the wormhole destabilizes, it will visibly get smaller. This is the mass of your ship plus all it’s modules.

This wormhole has not yet had its stability significantly disrupted by ships passing through it. 75% to 100%

Some ships have passed through this wormhole, but not affected the stability. 45% – 75%

Some ships have passed through the wormhole, but not to a critical point.
5% – 45

This wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted by the mass of numerous ships passing through and is on the verge of collapse. Less than 5% left

Get in There!

Time to go on through the hole! When you get to the other side MARK THE WORMHOLE EXIT! There is nothing worse than losing your exit and having to scan it down again. Now you can start the whole process over again, but inside the wormhole, there will be many more Cosmic Signatures to track down. In here you may find more wormholes leading you deeper into unknown space, or to the other side of empire space, or to a known section of 0.0 space. Worthy of noting, if you go in a wormhole, pop out the other side and then go back through, you will have your polarization thrown off and will not be able to use a wormhole for a few minutes.

Here is a link to all the known wormholes. You can check out the class, life, and mass allowances by comparing the designation of the WH.

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