Archive for the ‘Gaming’ Category

Scanning & Wormholes: Part 1 – Skills and Tools

Skills Needed to Probe

1) Science to level 3 which you need for Astrometrics and Astrometeric Rangefinding
2) Astrometrics to level 4 which allows one additional probe in space per level and also needed to learn Acquisition and Pinpointing. You need level 5 to operate Deep Space Probes.
3) Astrometric Acquisition to at least level 3 – 10% reduction in scan probe scan time per level.
4) Astrometric Pinpointing to at least level 3 – Greater accuracy in hunting down targets found through scanning. Reduces maximum scan deviation by 10% per level.
5) Astrometric Rangefinding to at least level 4 – 10% increase to scan probe strength per level. (slowest to raise)

Raising the last 3 to level 5 will help speed up your tracking down of Cosmic Signatures inside the wormhole.

Other Skills to Consider

Jury Rigging 1 to add the optional scan rigs
Covert Ops
Gas Cloud Harvesting


Core Scanner Probes – Minimum 4 – Max scan range 32 AU
Deepspace Scanner Probes – 1 – Max scan range 256 AU
I would keep more in the cargo hold just in case – Probes will disappear after being in space for an Hour.
Expanded Probe Launcher or Core Probe Launcher – Core Probe Launchers will not launch a Deep Space Probe…so I would use an expanded one.

Optional Equipment

Sisters Core Scan Probe Launcher & Sisters Expanded Scan Probe Launcher give a 5% increase in scan strength
Sisters Core Scanner Probe have a 10% increase to base scan strength
Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I Rig (adds 10% strength to probes)
Gravity Capacitor Upgrade II Rig (adds 15% strength to probes)
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Gas Cloud Harvester
There are a few implants that boost strength, scan time, and reduce deviation
Shield booster to refresh your shield when warping thru wormholes. They do a little damage to you sometimes.


For starters – you can use a simple Frigate. The following give a bonus to scan strength: Heron, Imicus, Magnate, Probe

If you are serious about scanning then you will want to invest in a Covert Ops Frigate which gives a little more bonus to scan strength: Anathema, Buzzard, Cheetah, Helios.

You will need the appropriate skill to fly them. Being able to scan while hidden and warp to the areas to scope them out without revealing yourself is REALLY nice. Remember, most of the time you are in 0.0 space and not able to defend yourself well in a scanning ship all alone.

From Follower to Leader

If you read down a couple posts, you see I returned to WoW back in July – Joined a guild as an officer and grew it into a raiding guild. That guild broke apart back in September. I floated around kinda guildless for a bit with a few friends from that guild and put all my toons into Silent Lucidity – Star’s Bank Guild. Star is my bestest buddy in WoW and has become so much more in RL.

Star and Tish (me) would get on each night and try to find an instance run, but usually couldn’t find one because I was DPS and she was a healer….never any tanks available. Sooo, my casual DPS warrior came out of the mothballs and hit 70, and I started to learn to TANK. Narcissa wasnt the best tank but I had some tank instincts when I played Tish (my rogue) saving the healer at the cost of my life if things got nasty. The plan started to work.

But….WoW got a little boring again and we tried WarHammer. That lasted about 4 weeks and got boring and we returned to WoW for the new expansion. We tossed around ideas about whether we would start a new guild or find one to join. We had a few people that would follow us to whatever guild we would join but as we investigated different guilds, we knew they werent right for us. Silent Lucidity was a bank guild no more!

Cal was a great guy that was always fun and ran with us whenever we did something. Him, Star and I always got along and always seemed to share the same opinion on things so the 3 of us became the officers for our new guild. A few others from the past guild hopped on board, a few friends of Star’s joined up, and some friends of friends came. We had the startings of a solid 10 man raid guild.

Wrath of the Lich King hit the stores and we all played sick, stayed home from work, and stayed up till all hours of the night. Tish got mothballed and Narcissa became my main. Narc leveled as Protection and Chaton (use to be Star but everyone still calls her Star) leveled Holy and together we hit 80. We ran instances and I learned to tank. Did I ever see myself as a tank…..NEVER! It did help to go from DPS to tank as I saw how much of a pain in the butt I was as a rogue and pulling agro!

So now we helped a few others hit 80 and we now had 10 people able to enter Naxxramus. And now the next thing to happen that I never thought myself ever doing…  Introducing, Narcissa the Raid Leader! I was always kinda amazed how someone could lead a raid. They always seemed to know everything. All I ever really did was show up to a raid with my supplies and listen to what I had to do and do it. One Job. But the raid leader had to know everyones job for every fight and deal with questions and yell at people – 50 DKP MINUS!

I do not think raid leading is in everyones blood and it can be stressful, but I really enjoy it. It isn’t as hard as it sounds, and if you use your other officers, it can run quite smooth. Star keeps me focused and whispers things to me to remind people if I forget. While I may be a good raid leader, she makes me a great one. We keep each other calm, feed info to each other, and keep an eye on the raid as we plow through the content. It’s not a one person job and I’d be lost without her.

Silent Lucidity is moving along quite well. Very little drama if any. I think it helps that the officers have been in a few guilds that have failed, getting first hand experience of what can and does go wrong and what things cause the drama. If you happen to be guildless and on the Baelgun Server….and Alliance, check us out and visit our forums. You can check out our Raid Progression here.

Return to World of Warcraft

So, I did return to WoW. The guild is growing. I’m now an officer. Been running around with a few members and had a good time. There are still moments when I will just stand around in a town and have no idea what to do, so my WoW boredom isn’t totally gone. Still it is nice to hang out with old and new friends. It’s fun to watch a guild grow and progress. We have started to run instances together to learn each others play styles. Thus if you ran around with me, you know I will make you work extra hard to hold agro and will try to attack 2 mobs at once any chance I get! But you would also learn that while I push the limits, I know how to get out of trouble when I do push too hard. (not always though X.X)

My newest goal for when I am not raiding, is to gear up my Warlock Cynders for PvP (player versus player combat) Will take quite a while. If you dont know about WoW and getting gear…you fight in a battle ground in a team of 10 to 15, sometimes more, against another opposing faction team and try to capture flags, or control territory…and if you win – you get honor and tokens. If you lose – you get a little honor and 1 token. With the honor and tokens you gain – you can trade them in for armor and weapons. So, my goal is to fully outfit myself in PvP reward gear – so for about 150,000 honor – I can get the full thing and hopefully be alot harder to kill. Looks like I can get about 2000 honor a day without feeling burnt out or spending HOURS in the game. Thats alot of days to hit 150,000.

I’m not a very good PvP’er, but it can be fun to compete against Real Live characters instead of the normal Non-Player creatures in the world that don’t have much of a brain.

So – Here is me now – Cynders – In my normal gear for everyday questing and raiding. I changed my talent spec too… Destruction doesnt seem to have enough tricks or backup plans so now I am SL SL – which is Siphon Life/Soul Link – hybrid of Affliction and Demonology making me a bit harder to take down while I annoyingly DoT and Seed everyone in target range.

Also started some new arena battles. That is where you are paired up with another team…2 vs 2, 3 vs 3, or 5 vs 5. Matches don’t last long…especially against me. So Adon, Shoklar and Cynders started up Royal Defense again ( 3 vs 3), and then Adon and I (on Tish) started a brand new 2 vs 2 called Eye Candy Chicks. We got some help from another member named Blacknova, who does know how to PvP, and has helped get our rating up higher than it should be 🙂

Last Week – Royal Defense won 11 in 29 and Eye Candy Chicks won 4 in 13. We really need to learn to PvP 😛

PvP records for my toons:
Tish – Lifetime Honorable Kills: 2280
Cynders – Lifetime Honorable Kills: 5767

Tish and Cynders

Blizzard Authenticator – Become Hackproof

So this past weekend Blizzard released the new Blizzard Authenticator. It is a little keychain size device that generates a random 6 digit number. This number is needed to log into your WoW account. With all the account hacking and key loggers out there, people have been getting their accounts stolen and all their items sold off for gold, presumably for the resale of the gold for RL money.

What you will do with this device is log into your WoW account in the normal fashion, but then you will have to push the button on the authenticator, and then enter the code it generates in order to get all the way logged in. This makes it impossible for anyone to ever log into your account unless they have the item…including YOU! So don’t lose it!

The cost is just $6.50. Should it be free? Probably. I can see it taking a blizzard a few man hours to investigate an account hack, and then figuring out what was stolen and then having to restore that account back to how it was. More than $6.50 for sure. But not all 10 million accounts are going to get hacked. I myself have ordered one. I would have liked to have seen blizzard give these away to loyal paying customers. Ones that have stuck with WoW for 1 or 2 years. But then again – $6.50 to protect your account that you have invested literally months of time developing isn’t too bad.

So now, how many online games, online worlds, and bank accounts will follow suit? Are we going to be stuck with 10 different number generators we need to use each day? I’m thinking we need a standard! But then, as we approach that, will that just make it easier for the hacking world to clone our device and break into all our accounts. 10 years from now, will we be needing to do a biometric scan of our finger, then a retinal scan, then a random generated code, then a password just to log into SL? Woot! fun fun.

So Azzura….Whats this blog about?

So far, from what I have blogged about already, you can tell I mess around in Second Life, and I always seem to be playing at least one MMO short for MMORPG which is…Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. I love gadgets, games, computers, science, Sci-fi, some art… I’ll talk about the few odd things that happen in my RL world now and then also.

I’m basically at a computer 2/3 of the day working or playing. Easy to reach if you have questions or problems. Maybe some things I talk about will interest you…they might not be something your into, but maybe you can find a hidden meaning in my rants and pull something useful out of it. Who Knows?!!

Ill leave off with a thank you for taking a peek and a bigger thank you if you keep reading…and a huge thank you if you link to me 😛

On with the blogging